Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year! Thanks for all your support over the last year. 2016 turned out to be one of the most creative and productive yet with new albums from James (GATEOTW) and Spaceheads (Laughing Water) along with lots of gigs with both bands

2017 will hopefully continue that trend with recording commencing for a new James album (probably due early 2018) and a new Spaceheads album (for end of 2017) keeping, the momentum of new music coming and  the Spaceheads aim to do a new album every year!

I am also recording for the new Michael Head and The Red Elastic Band album due in a couple of months and looking forward to more solo adventures and gigs with David Thomas and the two pale boys.

Check my gigs page and get notifications for gigs in your area.

Peace and goodwill to all …lets all strive to make 2017 a much better year for the world than 2016 was!