Highlights from Livestreams

Almost everyday in April and May I played improvised loopy sessions, livestreamed mainly on my facebook page.

The Coronavirus pandemic was spreading fast around the globe and lots of people across the UK, Europe and USA were under strict lockdown rules

Mostly unnanounced and roughly 30 mins and deleted shortly after , I played 27 sessions in April, 27 in May and 3 so far in June. As the weather got better and the lockdown eased, I have paused the livestreams …. to be resumed …this pandemic is not over!

Here are some highlights from the last 3 months.

On April 22nd I  did a set with drum machine and prison blues recordings and this excerpt features Ornette Colemans tune Blue Connotation

A lot of livestreams commented on what was happening and the news of hospital and careworkers dying of Covid was particularly stressful and I campaigned online for proper PPE for all care workers

Every saturday night I would do an hour long late night party (Global Lockdown Party)  at 1am with instrumental dance tracks as backing. this early one features me playing along to tracks from my friend Dr Das and his “Emergency basslines” album.

Mayday was suitably celebrated. 


As was my 40th session on the 15th May


I did a special Manchester remembers session on 22nd May the 3rd anniversary of the Manchester arena bomb


My late night parties got more sophisticated with added lasers and indoor smoke machine. Here is a complete set I did for the Invirolution online festival in June