After I left James I moved down to London. I had been spending a lot of time there anyway. I invested in home recording equipment that was set up in a padded/ soundproofed bedroom in Brixton.

The Honkies added John Edwards on double bass and continued touring throughout 1993. I was adding more looping and harmonized effects to the tumpet. The touring took its toll on the Honkies who split at the end of the year.

From the ashes of The Honkies a new but short-lived project the Smart Bombs was formed. The Smart Bombs released a 12 inch single and toured for a year and a half. The highlight was to be their last gig as a 14 piece band “The smart bombs big band” at the London Musicians Collective festival at the Conway Hall in London in 1995.

Spaceheads meanwhile had been developing their live sound as I discovered how good the “digitech whammy pedal” sounded on trumpet. I was able to loop up brass parts and harmonised riffs and bass lines.

Spaceheads toured Holland and played in Poland and recorded their first self titled CD which was released simultaneously in Europe and USA at the end of 1995.

In 1996 Spaceheads took of on a six week tour of Europe and a nine week tour around the USA. We started building an audience across the world and toured continuously for the next five years. Releasing CDs, a mixture of live and studio, almost every year during that period.

Also in 1996 I was asked to join David Thomas and 2 pale boys. This also involved big tours around Europe and USA along with recording albums. I was free with David to use all my electronics and improvise.

Most of the recording and touring highlights of this period are covered extensively on the spaceheads website and the David Thomas and 2 pale boys page at ubuprojex website……………..

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