Thank You

A massive thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the Sit Down Silver disc raffle

We have a winner – Alex Pandolfo from Lancaster

We raised an incredible £15,457 for Joels cancer fund

You can still donate to the fund

Special thanks to the worldwideJames fanbase …you stepped up.
….and to Liam Walker, Kay Dickinson and Soapy Soutar for helping me with the raffle over last few weeks and with the fantastic zoom  xmas party for the announcement of the winner.

It was an incredible 7 week campaign that featured a specially recorded video I put together of a brass version of Sit Down arranged by myself with Dan McDwyer featuring senior members of Manchester Contemporary Youth Choir.

The raffle also got coverage on the BBC website along with interviews on local manchester radio, coverage in the Manchester Evening News and a special feature on Granada reports which was repeated on the ITV national news at 10