What another great North American tour that was! From Sept 17th – October 18th we played 21 dates across the USA and Canada, and as in previous North American tours, with James, I took a fold up bike with me.
In 2019 it was #thelittleredbike and this time I found a little yellow bike on ebay and decorated it with stickers made for me from images on the new James album “Yummy”. Mainly ice lollies and butterflies
…..and so #theyummybike was born

Every city we got to I would try and take the bike out to explore ….. sometimes due to time restraints I wasnt able to get that far but i would try and get pictures in every city. Often the most spectacular site would be the theatre we were playing in. A lot of the venues we played on this tour were old vaudeville theatres from 100 years ago that had recently been refurbished and were amazing

During the tour I posted pictures regularly on my facebook page, Instagram and TikTok.
Now the tour is over, our friends at James Fanzone are running a raffle for the bike along with books of setlists from the tour. You can try and win the Yummy bike by following the instructions on this link. Raffle closes on 24th Nov …. winner will be drawn at our Portugal Braga show on 7th December.
The money raised will go to the bike advocacy group Asheville on bikes . Asheville in North Carolina sufferec catastrophic flooding as a result of Hurricane Helene that occured while we were touring in California and Texas
UPDATE: Mon 30th Dec