livestream from virtual festival

Solo gigs in June
Blowing my own trumpet! On Sat 2nd June and Sat 23rd June ….both are Free….enjoy the heatwave! On 2nd June In the #BudvarTent outside Stoke Newington Town Hall London, at 4.45pm as part of the Stoke Newington Literary Festival Tree party June 23rd – nightfall ……Village butty with projections from Rucksack cinema Facebook Event page …

Two Horns and Solo
On Thursday 28th September I am playing at an improv music night, doing a solo spot and playing in a new electric trumpet duo with Robyn Steward called Two Horns. It is free entry … at Robyn’s Rocket, Vinyl Deptford 4 Tanners Hill, London, SE8 4PJ Facebook event page here I was also involved in …

Summer Sunshine Solo
I have been invited to play once again at The Stoke Newington Literary Festival in London on Sun 4th June in the beer tent outside the town hall. I will be playing from 14.30 to 15.15 The beer tent is outside Stoke Newington town hall and will host free entertainment all weekend during the festival. …

Solo in the Garden
Video from last nights solo gig with trumpet and loopers and effects in the Dalston Curve Garden. An excerpt from an hours long improvisation with projections from Rucksack Cinema Save the Garden …email Hackney Council before 30th April…details here share: Share on Facebook Tweet about it Email a friend

Fanfare to Save Dalston Garden
I am doing a Solo trumpet and effects set with projections from Rucksack Cinema on Sunday 9th April Speak up for the Dalston Curve Garden From 3pm people will be giving testimony on what this unique inner London garden means to them before the consultation period ends on 30th April and Hackney Council decide on …